Share the road - safety first
How many cyclists are allowed to ride in a convoy in Slovenia? How close can a vehicle overtake a cyclist? Does a cyclist have to ride on the far-right edge of the road?

Nice weather calls for outdoor cycling in fall
With Indian summer here and nice temperatures just calling for a bike ride, this year's outdoor cycling season can continue smoothly into late fall. But remember, safety is the most important thing, so it is necessary to emphasize that you are not alone on the road.
At Continental, as part of the Share the road campaign, together with the enthusiastic cyclist Jože Robežnik, they shot a video with which they want to remind you that coexistence on the road is very important. We believe you know most of the rules, but it doesn't hurt to refresh your knowledge a little, right?
WATCH the VIDEO Share the road with Jože Robežnik below. More information about the campaign could be found here: Continental - Share the Road.
Foto: Sportida
How many cyclists are allowed to ride in a convoy in Slovenia? How close can a vehicle overtake a cyclist? Does a cyclist have to ride on the far-right edge of the road? As road users, we certainly all know the traffic regulations, regardless of our role: a pedestrian, a driver, a cyclist, a passenger. There is certainly no-one of us who has not been angry with another road user. Was the anger justified or just a reason to release the "valve" that day?
Watch the video Share the Road with Jože Robežnik.